Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human Population Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Population Ecology - Essay Example As a population increase the resources become scarce. Therefore the alterations in number of births and deaths also decelerate. The human population has been growing persistently since the 1650, finally reaching a figure of 6 billion by late 1999 and 6.3 billion by 2003. Now whether this growth will continue consistently depends on ecological aspects. While ecologists might in certain circumstances feel that growth in human population might stop, in other cases they suggest that there is no permanent reason to restrain the growth. A rapid growth is supposed to have taken place owing to factors like a fast decline in death rate, modern techniques and processes of sanitation, an enhancement if growth of food facilities and distribution, improved medical care facilities and with time the improved living standards and higher level of income led the decline in birth rate to come to terms with death rate. In different European nations in 2003 the growth in human population has become negat ive or zero. As per the â€Å"medium variant forecast† of United Nations, a growth of zero percent is predicted for 2100. At that point of time, around 11 billion is the target population to be achieved. The population of the world reached one billion in 1850, two billion in another 100 years and 6.3 billion in 2003. As per Lomborg 60 percent of this growth would be skewed towards 12 nations. The regions outside Asian and African countries might not undergo the problems with population density. The population growth is highest in Asia where the zenith was achieved during 1989-91 with an addition of around 58 million births every year. The population growth has decreased gradually to 0.013 in 20032. Each individual contributes another individual to the population, which can be called the per capita rate of increase. According to the ‘Essentials of Ecology’ population growth follows an ‘Exponential Growth Model’. The rate of per capita increase in the population can also

Monday, October 28, 2019

Moby Dick, Sophies World, East of Eden Essay Example for Free

Moby Dick, Sophies World, East of Eden Essay In today’s society, the issues of fate and free will are hotly debated, drawing in heated discussions of religion, chance, and the extent of free will. While some believe we have a significant amount of control over our lives exercised through free will in our choices, others believe an entirely different power is at hand in controlling our lives. These issues often find themselves associated in literature, with examples such as John Steinbeck’s East of Eden, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, and Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World. Among these books, there are different interpretations on the role of fate and free will in human life. In particular, these three different works of literature express varying shows of balance between fate and free will, and how easily that balance can be changed. Ultimately, it is the decisions made by the different characters, the reasons behind their choices, and the respective consequences that ensue that lead understanding of the different demonstrations of the authors’ interpretations of free will and fate. Free will and fate are often regarded in terms of a balance, in that there is some of life that is controllable by using choice, represented as our free will, while there is still another portion where there is little to no control, something we call fate. This observation of a balance between free will and fate is especially seen in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. In Moby Dick, Ishmael, our protagonist, finds himself in the company of Queequeg, the chief harpooner aboard the Pequod. While together, Ishmael and Queequeg weave a mat, with Ishmael passing the shuttle through the threads on the loom while Queequeg strikes the woof with his sword, to tamp down the threads. During their weaving, Ishmael makes an observation in that their current activity was like how fate, free will, and chance worked, thinking, â€Å"it seemed as if this were the Loom of Time, and I myself were a shuttle mechanically weaving and weaving away at the fates†. Ishmael compares fate to the â€Å"fixed threads of warped of the warp subject to but one unchanging vibration† on the loom. He then connects free will to his actions, â€Å"with my own hand, I ply my own shuttle and weave my own destiny into these unalterable threads†. He puts t he final pieces together by saying that chance is like when Queequeg strikes the woof, being he was â€Å"sometimes hitting the woof slantingly, or crookedly, or strongly, or weakly† that led to â€Å"producing a corresponding contrast in the final aspect of the completed fabric†. His connection with the mat making and fate demonstrated his perspective of the balance between fate and free will, and perhaps brings to light one of the more major themes of Moby Dick. He believes that free will is bound by fixed limitations we perceive as fate, and that our choices are limited to what we can weave around our limitations, with the exception of random occurrences called chance, which can alter the limitations fate puts on our expressed free will. In Moby Dick, different motive often leads to different choices, which overall comes together to establish various consequences. Queequeg, one of the crewmembers under Captain Ahab, had fallen ill while aboard the Pequod. In absence of proper medicine and medical attention, the most obvious conclusion was that Queequeg was going to die aboard the ship. He had even prepared for death by having a coffin made for him. At the end of it all, when it had seemed that fate had established his end, Queequeg simply claimed that he re membered he had some duties left to do ashore, and that he still had responsibilities. With his own will, he tried defy fate by recovering from his illness, attempting to give himself time to do his business ashore. The fact that the motive behind his prolonging of death was due to his responsibilities, one could easily interpret his decisions as noble and respectable. However, Queequeg was but one of the two members of the Pequod who attempted to defy fate, the other of which being none other than the captain himself, Captain Ahab. After losing his leg in an encounter with Moby Dick, Captain Ahab had grown rather obsessed with capturing Moby Dick, much to the point of giving up his sanity. However with all the stories of the great sperm whale, and even now knowing how destructive the whale could be, it was safe to say his search for the whale was ill-fated. However, even with fate clearly saying that his trip would lead to his own demise and possibly more, he was determined to capture Moby Dick purely out of spite and vengeance, two reasons that are often seen in negative light. What it all came down to was Queequeg’s noble intentions in trying to defy fate allowed him to recover from his illness and gave him more time, while Captain Ahab’s bitter motives ultimately led to not only the demise of the Pequod and its crew (excluding Ishmael), but also that of his own. Perhaps this brings to light another major theme of Moby Dick, in that it is ultimately our decisions in life and the reasons behind them that shape up how fate operates in our individual lives. This, along with the idea of the existence of human free will limited by fate yet alterable by chance, establishes the general idea of fate and free will have a crucial roles in making it possible to understand and comprehend Moby Dick and all of its themes. Just as fate and free will have important roles in determining how life is experienced by an individual, they also have key roles and determining of how an individual behaves. In a sense, it’s almost as if the decision of how a human is natured is a determinant in establishing the line between good vs. evil in a person. This good vs. evil concept could especially be seen in John Steinbeck’s East of Eden. Caleb Trask, the protagonist, struggles throughout the book while in a fight where he tries to suppress and overcome his inner demons. Caleb, son of Adam and Cathy, had lived his life in the shadow of his brother Aron, who was obviously in better light with his father. While Aron symbolically was the embodiment of all that was good, Caleb was the opposite, having had embodied evil, like his mothe r. However, Caleb demonstrates the usage of free will in the struggle of overcoming evil. This is clearly shown during the confrontation of him and his mother, and his realization that Cathy is a prostitute. When Caleb meets with Cathy, Cathy tries to convince Caleb that in addition to her being evil herself, he also has the same evil within himself, and that he is more like her than he knows. However, he realizes otherwise, that he has choice in whether or not he would be evil. At the end of their conversation, Caleb reminisces on what Lee said, saying that, â€Å"I was afraid I had you in me†¦ [But] I’m my own. I don’t have to be you†. At this part of the story, Caleb demonstrates understanding of one of the major themes of the story, simply known as Timshel. Caleb realizes that it is his choice, his own free will to overcome evil. He establishes that while there is evil in all of us, we are all capable of overcoming that evil, and choosing whatever path we wish to walk, all by using free will. While Caleb had ultimately come to the conclusion that morality is a free choice, other characters of East of Eden had other interpretations of morality. Aron, Caleb’s brother, for example had a problem with the overcoming of evil. His world had been neatly put together for him so that he only had to face good in life, to the point where his mother’s evil proved too much for him. Cathy, had been convinced that world was nothing but evil, and therefore accepted it and settled for using deception in order to advance in life. In the end, however, the evil she had spent her life embodying herself in proved to be just as overwhelming to her as it was to her son Aron, and she ultimately commits suicide. Caleb, standing at the crossroads of good and evil, successfully applies Lee’s advice and realizes morality is free choice, and that free will and determination are enough to overcome evil and lead a life of righteousness. By accepting that humans are imperfect and sinful, Caleb was able to realize that humans don’t need to be perfect to be good, and that true goodness comes after overcoming evil. Because he had applied Timshel in his life he became capable of living a controllable life, one with a moral destiny that truly belonged to him. John Steinbeck’s in-depth coverage of the story of Caleb and his choices truly make Timshel, or â€Å"thou mayest†, a very powerful and key theme in East of Eden. The role of free will in this story establishes the fact that e vil can be overcome by human, regardless of fate, and all up to moral decision. Just as previously stated and seen in books like Moby Dick and East of Eden, free will and fate are often seen as in a balance, sometimes with the weight over on fate’s side or vice versa. However, there are instances where free will can completely overcome fate in cases where it doesn’t seem to the slightest bit possible. Such an example of impossible overcoming of fate with free will can be seen in Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World. In Sophie’s World, the story of Sophie, a 14 year old girl who undergoes philosophy lessons, is followed. Sophie, who consistently receives notes not addressed to her but with ponderous questions such as â€Å"Who are you†, believes that her life is practical, and that she is living her own life. However though a complicated turn of events, it is shown that Sophie, along with her philosophy teacher Alberto, are both part of another man’s imagination, characters of his mind. Albert Knag, the man behind it a ll, can be seen as fate, in that he controls what happens to Sophie and Alberto showing that they do not truly have a choice, and that their sense of free will was but an illusion. Though the odds against them are tremendous, being they are characters in Knag’s book and in his mind, Sophie shows a giant show of free will and escape, using the help of Alberto. Using nothing but free will, Sophie does the impossible and escapes the book and becomes a spirit, able to roam the world but fated to have limited interaction with the world. However, it is shown that Sophie plans on attempting on have more and more influence in the real world and that she is not content with being an invisible person forever. Gaarder demonstrates a theme of how limitless free will truly is, and how fate can be overcome regardless of how the odds are stacked. With all three of these literary pieces, there is a similarity in that all three books cover the topic of fate and free will. However, these three books show different interpretations of the extent of the two factors, and what is and isn’t possible when interacting with the two. Such as in the case of Moby Dick, free will and fate are shown to be in a balance, with the two working around each other nicely. It is also seen that fate cannot be overcome, in that the demise of the entire crew was inevitable. In East of Eden, fate and free will were shown to have impact on how a person is perceived as good or evil, and how free will can potential allow one to completely overcome evil. In the case of fate, free will is shown to be able to overcome it, however only with tremendous effort and understanding. Similarly, in Sophie’s World, fate was able to be overcome, but again, only with a tremendous amount of effort and understanding. These three books together and their respec tive morals and themes can be directly applied to daily life. Free will and fate do have roles in human life, in that misfortunes can often be presented and perceived as fate, and naturally actions in the form of free will can additionally play in overcoming those misfortunes. By utilizing and exercising free will in daily life, the perception of fate as being something completely uncontrollable can easily be brought down to a more containable entity. Moreover, with the understanding of free will and fate that these three books offer, the opportunity for a life with a controllable moral future becomes available. In these three novels, the overall theme of a relation between free will and fate is existent. Respectively, the three authors of these books show their own interpretations of how fate and free will coincide, and how much control humans have on their own fate, or just how much free will they can exercise. However it is seen in all three books that with enough exercise of free will in the right light, positive events may occur, such as East of Eden’s Caleb overcoming evil, Moby Dick’s Queequeg recovery from his almost certain fatal illness, and Sophie’s World’s Sophie, who escaped her confinements of being a controlled character in another man’s mind. Though the authors may have had their own unique interpretation of fate and free will, with their respective limits, the overall message that all three authors would most likely agree on would be humans are given a tremendous amount of free will and are presented with different kinds of fate, and that what they choose to do with that free will ultimately decides how much fate will control their life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparison (J. Swift & A. Pope) Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The attitudes portrayed in Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man and Jonathan Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal† towards mankind is strikingly similar. Both acknowledge the view that man has dominion over the earth, as created and instituted by God. However, the difference is seen in their approaches to this subject. Pope primarily focuses on man’s pride and place in society, whereas Swift discusses how man deals with certain situations reasonably or unreasonably. Pope and Swift present situations that man has to face in conjunction with illogical conclusions. Besides exhibiting illogical conclusions, they also show the selfish, prideful, rebellious, jealous, and the ungrateful characteristics of man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The narrator in Swift’s, â€Å"A Modest Proposal† appears to be a logical, educated person who has been studying the subject of impoverished citizens, primarily women and children, for years. He does this by informing the reader of his working relationship with scholars, as well as thought out and gathered calculations, followed by examples of children having no hope for the future. He transitions into illustrating his proposal from giving his findings by stating, â€Å"I have too long digressed, and therefore shall I return to my subject† (Swift 457). The narrator indicates his proposal, which appears to be illogical to the reader. He does this so that the reader will not agree with the solution to overpopulation by eating babies, but fo...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pride in Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe :: essays research papers

In the novel Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, the main character, Okonkwo, has a lot of pride. There is a well-known aphorism, ?Pride goes before a fall.? Through Okonkwo?s hard work, he became a great man, with a sense of pride and haughtiness. He then suffered a loss of pride, which ultimately led to his down fall and even his suicide. So, through Okonkwo?s actions, Achebe suggests that excessive pride can lead to down fall. For my first point, I am going to start with a joke: ?One day there was an airplane flying Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Bill (a kid), and Billy Gram. Something went wrong with the plane, and so it had to be abandoned. The pilot strapped on a parachute and said to the passengers, ?There are only four parachutes, and I am taking one.? Bill Clinton grabbed the second and said, ?I am the most important man, and my country needs me, so I am taking one, too.? Then, Bill Gates grabbed the third one and said, ?I am the smartest man in the world, and my people need me.? After Bill Gates left, Bill (the kid) was just looking at the last parachute, when Billy Gram said, ?I am old and you are young, and you have your whole life ahead of you, so take the last parachute.? After a little while, Bill looked up at Billy Gram and said, ?I was not thinking about that, it is just that the smartest man took my back pack.? As you saw from the joke and the book, both Okonkwo and Bill Gates were full of prejud ice pride. Both thought they were great men, and saw others as inferior compared to them. But their pride led to their destruction. Second, Okonkwo?s pride was greatly bruised while attending a great warrior?s funeral, named Ezeudu. It was when ?Darkness was around the corner? (page 124), when Okonkwo?s life took a sharp turn down hill. ?Guns fired the last salute and the cannon rent the sky. And then from the center of the delirious fury came a cry of agony and shouts of horror. It was as if a spell had been cast. All was silent. In the center of the crowd a boy lay in a pool of blood. It was the dead man?s sixteen-year-old son, who with his brothers and half-brothers had been dancing the traditional farewell to their father.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Review on Alex Cross’s Trial Essay

Good morning everyone! Recently, I had the honour to read the book—written by Mr. James Patterson—Alex Cross’s Trial. I was awestruck by the epic struggle of the hero against the racial discrimination between the white and the coloured, as well as the absorbing plot. Therefore, I irresistibly wondered: Is Singapore a racial-harmony country? How can we make it better? Firstly, Singapore is not a standard racial-harmony country, as there are still sedition acts detected. In 2008, a middle-aged Christian couple was charged under both the Sedition Act and the Undesirable Publications Act with distributing seditious publications to two Muslim women. Does the story help y’all to reflect your daily words and deeds? Have you been a racist when people from a different race come to ask for help? Are you disgusted with their certain action or tradition, which belong to their own race? What I usually notice on the streets is- groups of one race people-walking and talking together. Keeping to their circles, many people hardly expose to other racial people. Are these scenes included in racial harmony? Secondly, Singapore is trying to create a better air of racial equality and harmony, an example of which is Racial Harmony Day. To build a democratic society, peace is indispensible. Thus, if you observe any other race people need help, you should do them a favour; If you work with other race people, you should offer to talk to them sincerely and fervently. Regardless of races, people will overcome the embarrassment, and the real racial harmony comes some day. Last but not least, Abraham J once said: â€Å"Racism is man’s gravest threat to man – the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.† Hence, giving up racism is another word for relieving from anxiety of worrying about threat. As harmony requires a mutual respect, doing good to other race people is much better than do nothing. Remember, racism is not born, instead, it is taught. Racial harmony is nether born nor taught, it is to be realized.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Preciousness essays

Preciousness essays Preciousness is a story that goes beyond the struggles of a teen-aged girls life, but it also portrays themes of basic life. Themes like, letting go and cultural differences apply to almost all people in one way or another. For that reason, Preciousness is not just a story about a young girls life, but its a story about all of our lives. Throughout the story, the reader is presented with a series of conflicts the girl faces. Her main problem was that she had a problem with men and boys. She felt that they were evil and only wanted one thing. I feel that she lived in her own world, where she made all the rules. ...she swallowed her coffee which the maid, scratching herself in the gloom of the kitchen, had reheated. She scarcely touched the bread which the butter failed to soften.1 This was extremely unhealthy for her, physically and mentally. Not eating healthily will make a person weak and can lead to many diseases. She did this to have men and boys avoid her, which was also unhealth y. Man or woman, one cannot avoid life and its people. I dont feel it is possible to be psychologically fit if a person cannot interact with a certain group because of a fear they have. Being scared of a certain person in that group is normal, but the entire group is a bit extreme. Life is a learning experience, but you cant fully experience life if you avoid certain things in it. One has to face reality at some point in life, it can be done the easy way, by accepting reality, or done the hard way, by denying the truth. The main character of the story decided that it would be better if she did things the hard way. The rising action, when the two boys were approaching here on an early morning, lead to a major problem. At the climax, the two boys groped the girl. At that moment, her bubble, malignantly protecting her from the world of reality, exploded. The destruction of her bubble led to an a...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Psychological Theories essays

Psychological Theories essays 1. Select the three of the seven schools of psychological theory: 1) compare and contrast the one theory you think is the most reasonable to the other two theories, and 2) explain the sociocultural perspective as discussed in your text. After taking into consideration, the seven theories in Psychology today, I have found that the behavioral perspective seems to be the most feasible to me. Environmental factors are imperative when it comes to the reason for ones behavior, and is essential when determining the cause of behavior and modifying problem behavior. An additional theory, which I believe is closely similar to this perspective, is the psychoanalytical theory, which was founded upon the philosophy of Sigmund Freud. This theory takes into account the early childhood experiences and how that may affect behavior today. The biological perspective examines the role that biological and genetic processes play in behavior today. Many causes of problem behavior may be inherited and present at birth and may not be due to any other environmental or social factors, according to this theory. Falling under the field known as Neuroscience, this perspective looks at the role of chemical balances and imbalances and the important part they play in behavior. Both the psychoanalytical and behavioral theories take a look inward at certain factors unlike the behavioral theory, which looks out into the surroundings and its effects, so that we can understand the causes of certain behaviors and establish ways to modify them. I personally would surmise that environment is a critical modeling factor in the development and cause of behavior. After all, children model and reflect the behaviors that they are shown and subjected to. The sociocultural perspective examines the roles that culture and society play on a behavior. It looks at how one might, feel, think, or behave in certain social settings. According to...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Step-by-Step Guide to Filing Your First Taxes

A Step-by-Step Guide to Filing Your First Taxes Tax time can be super overwhelming. How can you possibly figure out what you need to do and somehow manage to pull it off without melting into a pile of despair (or committing some kind of inadvertent fraud?). It’s actually fairly simple. Here, we’ll lay out the basic steps so you can file without fear you’re missing something important. 1. Get organized.This is really half the battle. The IRS is all about documents. Once you receive your W2 from your workplace, or your 1099-MISC if you’ve worked as an independent contractor, be sure to store it somewhere safe and easily accessible. If you get other statements, like savings account interest, student loan interest, or investment income summaries, put those in the same safe place. You might also have a proof of health insurance or records of contributions to an IRA to add to your pile.2. Determine if you need to file, and and how.If you’re a U.S. citizen and you meet the IRS’s filing requiremen ts for income, then yes, you do need to file. Then you’ll want to figure out what your â€Å"filing status† is. Will you be filing jointly with your spouse or separately? Can you count as â€Å"head of household?† Are you a dependent on someone else’s return? Can you claim dependents of your own?3. Ask for help early.If you’re at all confused with these early stages, get someone to help- a parent, or a mentor, or a professional. They can help you figure out based on your particulars which form you need to file or whether you are eligible to file electronically.4. Pick a medium.Decide whether you will carry through on your own- either on paper or electronically, alone or with the aid of a software program or professional. If you made less than $52k last year, you qualify to receive free tax help with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. Check out TaxACT, TurboTax, eSmart Tax, etc. to get a sense of what they can do for you.5. Deduct e xpenses.You’ll have to figure out whether it’s best for you to itemize your deductions or claim the standard deductible. But either way, make sure you don’t leave any stone unturned in this department. Write off state and local sales taxes, student loan interest payments, child care credits, job search expenses, charitable contributions, and things like the Earned Income credit.6. Get it done.Don’t procrastinate. It’s best not to rush, so make sure you’ve left yourself plenty of time before April 15  to get this done right.7. Check your math.If you did it all on your own, make sure to have someone you trust to look over your tax returns before filing. It may even be possible to have a tax attorney do this for you for free.Good luck, and we hope for many happy returns in your future!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Building Resilient Students and Mediation Term Paper

Building Resilient Students and Mediation - Term Paper Example Resiliency is an innate quality of students. Students are different in terms of their ability to manage stress, keep focus, manage their emotions and their emotional presentations, maintain their self-esteem even in the face of difficulties, etc. The trait of resilience can be determined by a number of factors: Feeling obligated to succeed or maintain one's composure due to one's duties towards family, friends or community; high self-esteem; good stress management techniques; etc. But resilience is also a consequence of someone's environments and social networks. Anyone can snap in an environment that is high-tension, high-conflict and stress-inducing; certainly, it will tax their resources no matter how vast. Conversely, even people with very low stress tolerance can flourish in an environment that controls stress extremely well. Further, even the toughest people are likely to become depressed or stressed out if they don't have a social network to vent to and use for relaxation. Thi s means that educators in their quest to create resilient students have two goals. They have to teach students how to manage stress, but they also have to control the environments that students are in so that they don't have too much stress to manage in the first place. These two are obviously somewhat at odds with each other: Teaching students how to manage stress requires a slight bit of stress in the first place, as an inoculation. Teaching children to manage deadlines, for example, requires giving them deadlines, which can be stressful. There is also clearly a dialectical relationship between these factors. Better stress management can help people build larger networks of friends and relationships which can help with stress management, for example. Someone's innate characteristics help to influence the environment, and someone's environment can help hone, challenge or tax their innate characteristics. Mediation fits into all of this in several ways. â€Å"Peer mediation is a wo nderful and effective strategy for helping students maintain their emotional balance... [E]ducators must set the stage for conflict resolution by setting clear expectations... Teaching students the skills for managing anger... comes next... Students need to know that anger is a normal emotion† (Thomsen, 2002, p. 114). Preparing for mediation, just like mediation itself, involves teaching skills such as really listening, anger management (learning to hold one's tongue long enough to get through a stressful meeting or process that can let someone get what they want), and so forth. Thomsen recommends â€Å"allow[ing] students who are experiencing a conflict to cool off† before attempting peer mediation (Thomsen, 2002, p. 114). â€Å"Remember, the brain and body are in an aroused state, and the rational mind is waiting in the wings†. Students going through the preparation process learn that preparing for mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution is just as impor tant as the process itself. Further, mediation and the process of preparation for it helps students get in touch with their emotions. â€Å"Learning the intrapersonal skill of introspection will serve students long after graduation† (Thomsen, 2002, p. 114). Many adults don't have proper introspection skills, unable to deeply reflect on their thoughts, motivations and beliefs. This drives conflict: It is very hard for someone to avoid making others angry if they don't know their own behavior; similarly, someone trying to appease someone else is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Potato Osmosis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Potato Osmosis - Assignment Example The researcher states that even the simplest unicellular protozoan needs to communicate with the external environment for survival because it needs to ingest food, eliminate waste products and toxins of metabolism and exchange gases through respiratory mechanisms. This communication is further developed in a more intricate manner in the multicellular organisms where exchanges take place within and between the cells in carrying out their assigned physiological functions. All cells are bound on the outside by a limiting membrane akin to a boundary wall which separates and protects the cellular components from the external environment. This membrane is known as the cell wall and the plasma membrane in plants and animals respectively. This membrane is a specialized component which selectively permits passage of water and other components across it either inward or outward depending upon the gradient of the fluid environment and internal contents or due to selectivity for particular molec ules through specialized pores or channels. Two of the processes by which such exchanges take place are known as diffusion and osmosis. Diffusion is simply the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a lower concentration ( Diffusion occurs within a single compartment or environment where molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a lower concentration until equilibrium is reached. Such diffusive activity can take place inside a single cell. Osmosis too is also a movement of components within a solution either from a higher gradient to a lower one or selectively under active transport systems controlled by cellular physiology, but this diffusion occurs across a semi-permeable membrane such as the plant cell wall or the animal plasma membrane. The plant or the animal cell walls are selectively permeable for certain molecules and do not allow other molecules to pass through them.

Assignment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assignment 6 - Essay Example We look to interpret that change in behavior and form an analysis based on our reading. For so many years that humans have evolved, they have become masters in reading their fellow beings behavior (Norman, 2004). We definitely need to take people’s feelings seriously especially as a producer or designer. A producer must keep in mind his consumers when producing something. If the product is well designed and everything works as expected from the product, then there will be a positive response coming out of consumers. They might add it as part of their daily, weekly or monthly purchase depending upon its usage and durability. On the other hand, if a product turns out to be undesirable or not what it promised, then there is a high possibility that the consumers might take out their frustration on it. It is very easy to blame the product if it does not meet out the requirement so the designer must consider people’s feeling before putting his heart and soul solely on the pro duct (Norman, 2004). Norman is of the opinion that machines in the future will need social interaction and a network of communication to get the job done. He is of course not kidding and why would he if he thinks that machines can perform faster and better with interaction among themselves. If they could be programmed to coordinate like human beings, then I think machines can do a better job simply because they do not fatigue out. They can continuously work for longer hours without any rest. To be honest, they do not even need lunch and tea breaks. It is a very good idea to make them work independently, without humans operating them. More and more machines and robots are being deployed to work in organizations, and it would be so much easier if these robots are made to communicate without a helping hand from us. Robots are now being used in dangerous jobs like fire fighting and in military for war purposes. Apart from this they are also used for house cleaning, delivering letters an d washing cars. Their role is expanding and to make way for them we need to program them with emotions. We need to make them wary of what basic emotions like pain are. We would not want to see them bumping to cars or people every now and then if we want to introduce them freely in this world. When they know what pain is they will automatically look to avoid smashing into things for their and our sake. I totally agree with Norman when he says that we could slowly distribute or install emotions in them. It is going to be a step by step process; for example, in the initial stage they could be taught what fear, satisfaction after achieving a certain goal, consistency in maintaining their work and obedience to their owners. Emotional interaction with robots will also give us an opportunity to know them better. We could penetrate if they are happy with their work or not, making progress or having difficulties. Then we could treat them according to their mood. We could also know what motiv ates them and reward them to work better and faster. There is so much room for improvement and with the pace science is making progress I believe one day robots will be a household name. The sooner we plan the better it is (Norman, 2004) 2. Witthower has been exemplary in his work on the iPod and the iPod’s implications. It looks like he has not missed a single point on the subject. It’s not only detailed, but it is also one of the most organized books to read. The book

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Introduction to International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Introduction to International Business - Essay Example This can include money or people, and most often refers to a nation offering this investment to a private or publicly held corporation that is owned by people in foreign countries, who are doing the investing (â€Å"Foreign Direct Investment,† 2011). For example, the United States may have some people who are sent to Icecreamists, an ice cream parlor in the city of London that has made headlines for serving a new flavor called the â€Å"Lady Gaga,† which is made with human breast milk (Casciato, 2011) not only to help the budding entrepreneur who owns the establishment, but also to bring new ideas home. When dealing with foreign direct investments, it is paramount that those who deal in them understand that for each nation there are precise regulations that need to be followed in order to operate there. The purpose of foreign investment regulations is to protect industries when trying to catch up to more advanced nations. In some cases, it is to prevent other nations fr om being able to get a hold of the technology, methods, and management practices that make one nation better than all others. This is why some countries allow certain industries to receive a high level of foreign direct investment, and others to receive little. A nation like Ireland, for example, is very open to foreign direct investments while Finland operates in much the opposite fashion (Chang, 2003). Foreign investment regulations vary by country. In the United States, businesses are welcoming to member who participate in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to those who prefer more secrecy. Part of the reason for this is because the United States values the world of ideas and tends to shun isolationist sentiment, which is when a nation does not want to have anything to do with any other country. The idea that one country keeps to itself while others fend for themselves does not often work because while one nation is operating to the best of its ability, the world of nations are o perating to the best of all of their collective talents. For this reason nations who have tried to live in a bubble in the past have ended up paying a price for it later. Foreign investment regulations start with the premise that a firm must be abreast of global trends in their industry. For example, if a textile company wanted to know whether or not a foreign competitor was going to expand into its market, it could try to find out from third party sources, or it could go straight to the source. After all, if a firm from Japan, China, Brazil, or any country wanted to operate in the United States, it would be very interested to get an inside look at a factory (as well as its management and other staff) to see how to be successful, possibly allowing it to capitalize on shortcomings within the operations. Doing so will also allow for a company to see how globalization affects domestic clients, meaning that when a firm travels home, the local company will want to follow their expansion, which could allow for a partnership to form in work that is either performed in the United States or other countries (Chang, 26-30). All of this is related to concerns that management will have in screening potential markets for expansion. Two of the most important concerns are the assessment of internal resources and how competitive a firm can be in the new market. For example, it would not matter that Ford Motor Company has the cash to expand into India and sell sport utility vehicles if the locals would be

Human Resources Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Human Resources Management - Research Paper Example All these areas come under the hiring process of the organization. Hiring of the employees signifies placing the right person to the right place is regarded to be a science rather than an art. Most of the managers are involved in this process. This study focuses on the hiring process starting from job description, recruiting, interviewing, selecting, orienting, training, and maintaining employees, from a manager’s perspective. It also focuses on the disadvantages and advantages of each stage Hiring process Hiring process is regarded as the most important step under strategic planning of the organization. This is because of the fact that the new employee entering in the organization will either help the organization to grow or will lower the performance. Therefore, the mangers need to be strategic in hiring the employees who will assist the organization in growing and making it profitable (Luszez & Kleiner, 2000). A proper hiring process has benefits like saving money, increasi ng productivity, lowering supervisory problems and lowering personal turnover. Personal problems and conflicts reduce sharply, thereby, reducing the turnover of the new hires; all these lead to saving of considerable amount in downtime and hiring cost. The hiring process of an organization succeeds only when it places the people to the right job that ensures utilization of their skills, capabilities and abilities. Apart from this, it also create benefits from the societal point of view such as providing genuine and equal opportunities to the people and helping the economy to grow by reducing job dissatisfaction and increasing the productivity (Prien, Goodstein, Goodstein & Jr, 2009). Job description The job description is created after understanding the necessity for hiring employees for filling the vacant position and the reason or the goal behind the hiring. The job description consists of a written document that includes the responsibilities and the duties of the employees. The d etail and the length of job description vary depending on the level of responsibility that the job has. For instance the job description of a clerk can be less detailed as compared to the one of the plant manager or the sales manager. The details of a job description generally include job title, compensation range, qualification, and the person to whom the candidate will be reporting, short summary of the job and a list of major and minor duties. Advantages and Disadvantages Job description bears huge significance in the process of effective hiring as it allows both the applicant and the interviewer a point of mutual understanding based on which they can facilitate the discussion regarding the position. It also ensures consistency in the hiring process. The job description also helps in understanding the type of candidate the organization is looking for. From the job description the candidates can understand whether they are going for a management position or as a regular employee. In simple words it helps in portraying a clear picture about the position, department and company in which the candidate is going to join. It also helps in defining the salary or wage that the job should provide along with the bonuses that the employees should

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Introduction to International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Introduction to International Business - Essay Example This can include money or people, and most often refers to a nation offering this investment to a private or publicly held corporation that is owned by people in foreign countries, who are doing the investing (â€Å"Foreign Direct Investment,† 2011). For example, the United States may have some people who are sent to Icecreamists, an ice cream parlor in the city of London that has made headlines for serving a new flavor called the â€Å"Lady Gaga,† which is made with human breast milk (Casciato, 2011) not only to help the budding entrepreneur who owns the establishment, but also to bring new ideas home. When dealing with foreign direct investments, it is paramount that those who deal in them understand that for each nation there are precise regulations that need to be followed in order to operate there. The purpose of foreign investment regulations is to protect industries when trying to catch up to more advanced nations. In some cases, it is to prevent other nations fr om being able to get a hold of the technology, methods, and management practices that make one nation better than all others. This is why some countries allow certain industries to receive a high level of foreign direct investment, and others to receive little. A nation like Ireland, for example, is very open to foreign direct investments while Finland operates in much the opposite fashion (Chang, 2003). Foreign investment regulations vary by country. In the United States, businesses are welcoming to member who participate in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to those who prefer more secrecy. Part of the reason for this is because the United States values the world of ideas and tends to shun isolationist sentiment, which is when a nation does not want to have anything to do with any other country. The idea that one country keeps to itself while others fend for themselves does not often work because while one nation is operating to the best of its ability, the world of nations are o perating to the best of all of their collective talents. For this reason nations who have tried to live in a bubble in the past have ended up paying a price for it later. Foreign investment regulations start with the premise that a firm must be abreast of global trends in their industry. For example, if a textile company wanted to know whether or not a foreign competitor was going to expand into its market, it could try to find out from third party sources, or it could go straight to the source. After all, if a firm from Japan, China, Brazil, or any country wanted to operate in the United States, it would be very interested to get an inside look at a factory (as well as its management and other staff) to see how to be successful, possibly allowing it to capitalize on shortcomings within the operations. Doing so will also allow for a company to see how globalization affects domestic clients, meaning that when a firm travels home, the local company will want to follow their expansion, which could allow for a partnership to form in work that is either performed in the United States or other countries (Chang, 26-30). All of this is related to concerns that management will have in screening potential markets for expansion. Two of the most important concerns are the assessment of internal resources and how competitive a firm can be in the new market. For example, it would not matter that Ford Motor Company has the cash to expand into India and sell sport utility vehicles if the locals would be

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Advantages of queuing theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advantages of queuing theory - Essay Example Reneging happens when a prospective client decides to leave and forgo that service he is queuing for mostly because the queue is too long. In this calculation the main principle is that the costs of waiting in queues are normally inversely proportional to the timely cost of service. Queuing theories are clearly known to be simple as they normally require less data and it is known to produce results that are generic. This is the advantage of using queuing theory over the use of simulation as models of queuing theory. The theory is widely used in service rendering sectors such health services area. Also in the same field of health care (Aaby et al. 575) describes the use of spreadsheets and spreadsheets software to implement the desired queuing network models of mass vaccination in the dispensing clinics. Another important example of software that forms part of such a system is found in an emergency department. (Broyles and Cochran, 615) say it is quite able to calculate the percentage number of patients who usually leave the emergency department without actually getting help. This can be done by assessing the arrival rate, utilization, service rate as well as the capacity of the health care. It is out of this percentage that they can be able to actually determine the revenue that has been lost from the patients who left without being served. Disadvantages of queuing method Since the queuing theory models are mostly based on what is referred to as the exponential distribution, they work through applying these traits of exponential distribution. The main problem that comes with this is that in that this exponential distribution normally has a coefficient with a variation of one. This fact has the effect of precluding the modelling of any other process that has a coefficient which is of variation significantly different from one. Therefore Because of the low likelihood that any of a random process will just be having a coefficient of variation that is just one, thi s queuing theory is considered to have the disadvantage of low applicability and practicality. While the number of assumptions for most of these applications of queueing models is normally few, they sometime tend to be quite irrational. This is clear especially when human queues are involved. From the theory, it is understood that human behaviour is uniform and can be determined. This is quite untrue because human character and behaviour vary from one human being to another. Thus from these assumption some critics have argued that the queuing theory cannot apply where human being are involved in the queue. The assumptions are not normally correct as human behaviour is not actually determinable. Where as one person shall behave in a certain manner, another person might act the actual opposite of what the other person did. For instance, one assumption can be that a person is likely not to enter a queue if he finds that there are too many people already ahead in the queue. In reality, this may not be true; otherwise, the situation would be that there would be no lines outside stores. Another point to discard the assumption there would no store opening on holidays for those maybe seeking to buy late gifts. The restrictive nature of the assumptions of the queuing theory is also another disadvantage that exposes the theory to criticism. The nature of the production lines is quite complex and cannot be fully explained by the simple models that are provided for by the queuing theory. Therefore in order to cure this there are specialized tools which have been developed in order to simulate, visualize, analyze, and finally

Iphone 5C price decision Essay Example for Free

Iphone 5C price decision Essay The fist factor that important in the pricing decision of iPhone 5C is by considering costs. For instance, since Apple Inc. wants to maximize its profits through establishing new products, the price should be set at the point where marginal revenue equals to marginal cost. We know that iPhone 5C is in the perfectly competitive market, the company can reach its maximum profit at equilibrium at X* and P*. To determine the price, Apple Inc. needs to do the marginal analysis. According to profits (Ï€) equals to total revenues (TR) minus total costs (TC), which is Ï€=(P*X)-(fixed cost+variable costs per unit *X), X is the number of units sold by Apple Inc. Of course, manager needs to ask several departments and contractors to know the cost of their product and services. From online websites, I get to know that producing a 16Gbyte iPhone, total BOM and Manufacturing Cost is about $173.45, for a 32Gbyte iPhone 5C is approximately $182.85(which accounts only for hardware and manufacturing costs and does not include other expenses such as software, licensing, royalties or other expenditure)(Andrew, 2013). The manager can differentiating the fixed costs and variable costs based on cost behavior, and plug those numbers into the equation and get an equation between Ï€ and X. then differentiate the equation and set it to zero, the manager can get the number of units when profit maximizing. Finally, plug X into assuming demand function, the manager can get the price and make a decision. But, in the real world, it is not easy to implement the marginal analysis method. So, managers usually try to combine cost-based approaches and market-based approach to make a profit satisfying approach, for example full cost-plus target profits, variable costs-plus percentage markup can both assess to pricing decision. However, the common and basic factor for the methods is costs. The second factor that important in the pricing decision of iPhone 5C is product line and competitors. Strategy analysis is the company needs to consider about the Competitors as well as the whole industry, and then assess to firm’s plan. We can figure out that the competitions in the smartphone market are quite intense, there are numerous competitors and are almost equal size, such as Samsung, Microsoft. So, Apple Inc. has to investigate the cost leadership and the unique producers in order to make a competitive price in the smartphone market. The website take the example of Moto X, which has 18 kinds of colors and the functions are really similar to iPhone 5C (Darren, 2013). The price of Moto X is $599, so the manager should decide a lower price than it to gain a competitive advantage. In particular, the competition is not just from the external market, we know that Apple Inc. promoted iPhone 5C as well as iPhone 5S at the same time. To iPhone 5C, the manager needs to consider about the plastic case, which is $42 less than the metal case cost of iPhone5S (Ben, 2013). So manager should also compare the 5C’s price to 5S. It is an important thing to keep secret of the product’s price before they coming out. The manager of Apple Inc. can survey the expected price of the public, or conduct some historical sample tests before making the final price decision. The third factor that important in the pricing decision of iPhone 5C is the manager should estimate the demand. Assume that we are suffering a financial crisis, most people don’t have extra money to pay for new electronic devices. They have already owned iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S and do not want to pay for another similar product. Then the manager should decrease the price of iPhone 5C to fit for people’s expectation of low pricing, using the profit margin per unit to trade for higher quantities. As I mentioned above, the estimation of demand function is also important in the marginal analysis. In order to estimate the demand, the manager should also make market survey to analyze the targeted customers. According to Pew Internet’s report, Teens and Technology 2013, 37% of U.S. teenagers now own a smartphone (which compares to 23% in 2011). And the increases of U.S. wireless carriers’ family data plans, intensive the parents to buy smartphones for their kids (Jason, 2013). Because the iPhone5C is colorful, has proper functions and easy to control, it must a first-choice for kid’s cellphone. Aimed at attracting teenagers group, the Apple Inc. manager should make the price to a certain level. What’s more, we also have to consider whether buyers are sensitive to price. In economics, we call it price elasticity of demand, which means the percentage change in the numbers of units sod to the percentage change in the price of the product. Assume most people are price sensitive, if the price of iphone5C is much higher than they expected, they will not buy it, which decreases demand a lot. So, listen to the public opinions on price is quite important. Before iphone5C facing to the public, a lot of individuals forecast that the selling price should be low enough to satisfy the low-end customers needs. Somebody was kidding that iPhone 5C is iPhone for China or iPhone for cheap. Apple Inc. wants to occupy more market percentage in developing countries, so they advertised that to make a colorful low-end smartphone. However, the price of iPhone 5C is not as low as we expected. The data shows after releasing the iPhone for 72 hours, both in China, Australia, U.S., the sales of iPhone 5S is almost 4 times compare to iPhone 5C. Especially, the graph says in the â€Å"target† country China, where the 5s is outselling the 5c five to one (Christopher, 2013). So I think the price of iPhone 5C is not reasonable. There are several reasons to explain iPhone 5C price is not appropriate. Firstly, compare to iPhone 5S, people claim 5C just looks an iPhone 5 with a candy-colored plastic shell. According to a report published by UBS, the same memory for 16 Gigabyte iPhone, 5S costs $213 in materials, whereas a 5C costs $156IPhone 5S has metal shell, Touch ID fingerprint scanner, more advanced A7 chipset, Motion Coprocessor and True tone flash for camera. The different price due to plastic case of $42 and finger print sensor of $7. However, the price of iPhone 5C is only $100 less than iPhone 5S. The UBS also estimates the gross margins of iPhone 5S is 45-55% and for iPhone 5S is 48-54% (Ben, 2013). As a rational consumer, I will buy iPhone 5S instead of iPhone 5C, since 5S has much more functions, which is not at a so much higher price. Secondly, the factors of competitor also have huge effects. Samsung is the key part for apple to make its â€Å"retina display† screen, as well as apple use Sony’s sensor in its camera. We know that Samsung and Sony are competitors. Apple Inc. is hiring, relying and paying them. But if someday, Samsung or Sony stop providing essential parts to apple, what will happen? I think Apple Inc. has to produce all manufacturing parts by themselves under a big amount of fixed cost, which will have a big effect on Apple’s price decision. Thirdly, the price of iPhone 5C is not as low as rumored. It brings the question to us, who exactly is Apple targeting? We know that Samsung has galaxy series, which with large-screen and liked by fashion people and developing markets. In china, there are a lot of really cheap phones under 1000RMB, those phones have varieties function and beautiful looking. So when Apple Inc. can really open the market to low-end customers? The price decision and targeting customer is not clear and accurate. I am kind of thinking there must be some sailing strategy when apple promoted 5C and 5S at the same time, with a huge cost performance in my opinion. Maybe Apple Inc. just wants to stimulate the sales of 5S, after people comparing these two products.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance And Definition Of Inclusion Education Essay

The Importance And Definition Of Inclusion Education Essay There are many reasons for the success of teaching process. One of these is inclusion. Inclusion is one of the most widely studied topics in the teaching and learning process in the educational fields. A lot of researches have been done about its importance, its effect and the way it is applied. The Chinese proverb, (irc, 2006), says, Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. The classroom is built upon interaction, cooperation, group work, and participation. These can be done through inclusion. If there is exclusion, teaching process would not be successful. Inclusion is one of the elements which, if applied properly, school achieves success. Inclusion lexically means the act of including or the state of being included.Therefore, Hudson (2009) explained that successful teachers should include their students as well as making their students included. Inclusion is about equal opportunities for all pupils. Pupils should all be included regardless of their a ge, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. It gives attention and concentration to all pupils. In my opinion successful inclusion is a must inside the classroom. When pupils are included properly, they will equally have the same chance to achieve, learn and acquire new experiences inside their school. But exclusion means bias, failure and drawback. Pupils should be taught, assessed, evaluated and supported equally. But teachers should consider that some pupils need more support or provision to have an equal chance of success. Inclusion needs planning and teaching inclusively. Therefore, each unit gives supported tasks to reach inclusion inside classrooms. To achieve a high rate of inclusion, teachers should put no limit for pupils involvement. Broadly, inclusion not only means to include pupils inside their classrooms but it also means to include classrooms inside their schools. (Hudson 2009) The inclusion of pupils with special difficulties: Focusing on including pupils with special difficulties, there are many routes to achieve inclusion. Steele, J. (1998) p. 203 says that: The inclusion of pupils with learning difficulties within their communities depends on many complex factors, with educational placement being only one of these. Concepts of integration and segregation are not poles on a linear continuum, but even if they are, the concepts of true inclusion would not appear anywhere on such a line. The elements that affect inclusion, especially with special difficulties pupils, change with the passage of time as these changes happen in different aspects of community provision. As Steele (1998) explained that attitude is one of the major factors which can affect inclusion. Most pupils cant get adapted easily to a slight change in their environment or placement. Variations of inclusion for these pupils can be apparently witnessed within the same school, when they get a new teacher, or within the community when something happen suddenly. Creating a link between their community and the school can help motivate and boost inclusion. Inclusive practice for special needs pupils can be supported through using community facilities. For example, athletics clubs, sports facilities, youth clubs. In my opinion the school should get strong links with the community to create inclusion which will help these pupils when they finish study and face community. Thus, these pupils can interact with t he community easily and may prefer to run their own businesses by depending on themselves. Inclusion starts from home: Hudson (2009) asserts that the school/home/student remains a major triangle for the school to achieve success. He also indicates that parents become less involved in following up their students in schools when these students grow up. However, he asserts that inclusion should be even when pupils become adults or in high school. I agree with Hudson as parents and students should work together to help create a fit environment for the performance of the school. Two years ago, there was a school near mine which got bad results for years. When I asked some teachers, parents and people connected with the school, I knew that most parents there are rich and busy. They can find no time to follow up their childrens course. The result affected the whole school because the fit environment was not there. The upbringing of the kids help positively or negatively in supporting the concept of inclusion inside them as some parents don not share their kids ideas and some are apart from them. In the booklet: pedagogy and practice: teaching and learning in secondary schools. Unit 4: lesson design for inclusion,(2004) the researcher explains that pupils in inclusive classrooms will have equal opportunities to make success. They will be taught according to their life experiences and needs. Their progress and achievement will be evaluated. Through support, any barriers they face will be overcome. I agree with that because inclusion needs support as some pupils might be shy or introvert. It also requires that chances of learning must be equal. But I also think it needs great effort from the teacher himself. As classifying the class and understanding their behaviours and potentials is not an easy matter. Teachers may not have all data to know all the needs of the pupils. In addition to that, not any lesson is helpful to the teacher to include all the pupils. The researcher puts some solutions for these problem that might stand in the way of introducing inclusion. The researcher indicates that planning and teaching inclusively is badly needed. In my opinion this is very important. Because when the teacher prepares his/her lesson, they must prepare it inclusively to save time. Therefore, taking account of the varied experiences and needs of pupils is necessary to apply inclusion. How to achieve inclusion of the gifted and the school: There has been a lot of research into the effectiveness of inclusion for the gifted and talented. Though it seems that inclusion can be difficult to use with talented pupils, it can be very effective with this category. Smith (2006 p.53) says: It can work, and can work very well. Evidence to support this claim can be found in thousands of classrooms around the world. Not only can inclusion work well for the gifted and talented, it has to work well for this groupà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. I agree with Smith but to apply inclusion with the gifted, it needs hard work. The talented are not easy to include them in a classroom as they appear to have high level of understanding. They can be included when the subject taught is not easy. In my school in Egypt, I teach A class which is for the talented. I include them in the teaching and learning process. They react, argue and co-operate each other. On (articles. famouswhy 2008) there is a report about inclusive schools. It says that: Effective schools are educationally inclusive schools. This shows, not only in their performance, but also in their ethos and their willingness to offer new opportunities to pupils who may have experienced previous difficulties. An educationally inclusive school is one in which the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every young person matter. The most effective schools do not take educational inclusion for granted. They constantly monitor and evaluate the progress all pupils make. I agree with this report that effective schools are inclusive schools. Schools can not be educationally professional unless they include all students whatever their level, ages, environments and interests are. The most effective schools do not take educational inclusion for granted. On the contrary they experiment all possible criteria to achieve inclusion. They constantly record and evaluate the progress each pupil makes inside his/her school. They take care of and identify any pupils who may be missing out, stubborn to engage, or feeling apart from what the school aspire to provide. They take active practical steps in the classroom and beyond to meet pupils needs effectively and they enhance and strengthen tolerance and understanding in a varied society. Inclusion can be achieved even by changing strategies inside the school. Strategies in the promotion of inclusion: Booth and Ainscow (2002) put down three strategies in the promotion of inclusion concerning the early years: to create inclusive cultures, develop inclusive practice and produce inclusive policies. I think that creating inclusive cultures can be achieved by building community values. In the early years, every pupil should feel welcomed and should feel no difference from home. Parents and the whole community should be contacted so that they can play a role in the inclusion system. All should have expectation to reach. Staff of the school should work on that. Inclusion strategy is a supreme one, so child, parents, community and school staff cooperate to achieve it. Pupils can be inclusive in their school through practical ways. Pupils should do a lot of activities inside their schools to feel they are a part and parcel of it. Pupils can feel included through the school police formed from pupils themselves through strong sports competitions, through school trips, through decorating their classrooms, through having private lockers inside their schools, through participating in the curriculum and exams timetables, through having meals at school and through holding competitions among schools. The challenges that face achieving inclusion: Peer (2001) talked about inclusion as the decrease of inequality while exclusion as the increase of inequality. He added that there are a lot of challenges for achieving inclusion in our schools as its difficult to reach equality by which every learner takes his right to have acceptable level of learning. What makes matters worse is that every pupil has different learning needs, abilities, interests and characteristics. To consider this wide range of needs the education system should be designed according these needs. In addition to that those pupils with special needs should find access to pedagogy and curriculum. The problem is that most public schools which have most pupils can not satisfy all pupils needs of inclusion. In my school inclusion is impossible to achieve for many reasons. Firstly, most schools do not have enough space or facilities to include all pupils. The society is very diverse; therefore it is difficult to include different classes. Besides that, the big numbers of pupils inside the classrooms and the deficiency of education system. Furthermore, the high ratio of unemployment among graduates makes inclusion -inside the whole education system- very low. Teachers themselves are not fully included in the education system. They just do a job. They justify that by their low salaries and the high cost of living. Conclusion: To conclude, though inclusion in our classrooms is a must, it can not be applied easily. It is difficult to include adult students as they have many other things that occupy their minds; but with young pupils it can be applied easier. The big challenge is with special needs pupils. Because they are not able ones, they need special requirements in placement and methods. Good schools are the ones that can include not only pupils but also classrooms. There are different ways through which we can apply inclusions; school facilities and the link to outer community are the most obvious ones. Inclusion is an inner interact with the school. Shy and introvert pupils suffer a lot to reach inclusion. Teacher here play an important role. The gifted need a great deal of efforts from their tutor on applying inclusion. In few words, inclusion is one of the most important goals of the school to reach success.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Nuclear Energy :: essays research papers fc

You are watching the control panels and gages for rector two. Sitting comely you think about how easy your job is. It is a joke! All day you sit around and watch the gages for reactor number two just to make sure they maintain their settings. You don't even need to look at the gages either because a computer automatically regulates them without you. Life is so good. Suddenly all the sirens go of and the gages and displays spin wildly in every direction. The ground shakes and you can hear the sound of a deep rumble. Unknown to you, the reactor's cooling pumps have failed to cool the reactor's core and in 3 seconds the temperature went from 280 degrees centigrade to 4,000 degrees centigrade. The water that was in the reactor is instantly turned to steam which creates tremendous amount of pressure in the reactor core. Above the reactor core there is a 5 foot thick lead plate and above that there is a meter thick floor composed of iron, barium, serpentine, concrete, and stone. The exploding steam fires the floor up like shrapnel. The metal plate goes through the four foot thick concrete roof like butter and reaches and altitude of sixty meters. You can hear ripping, rending, wrenching, screeching, scraping, tearing sounds of a vast machine breaking apart. L. Ray Silver, a leading author who covered the disaster at Chernobyl, said that within the core, steam reacts with zirconium to produce that first explosive in nature's arsenal, hydrogen. Near-molten fuel fragments shatter nearly incandescent graphite, torching chunks of it, exploding the hydrogen. The explosion breaks every pipe in the building rocking it with such power that the building is split into sections (11-13). You look down at your body and notice that it feels hot and your hands look different. Unknown to you a tremendous amount of neutrons are hitting your cells and taking chucks out of your skin. Suddenly everything goes black.The paragraph above describes the scene of what happened at Chernobyl nuclear plant a few years ago. From that time until the present many other smaller accidents have happened. From these accidents many people have died and millions have been indirectly affected. Nuclear energy has far to many negative problems than advantages. From the mining of uranium to disposal of nuclear waist there are problems of such magnitude that no scientist on this earth has an answer for.

Friday, October 11, 2019


All the actors are using a technique to evaluate the situation, statistics to determine who the possible suspect Is, and unique skills to help find where this person may be. Criminology Is the study of crime Its causes, its history, and Its prevention. Criminologists have many other disciplines, because they also study the psychology of criminals, the social contexts that give rise to crime in specific geographical and demographical locations, and the systems of punishment that serve to confine or perpetuate criminal activity.Crime and punishment function uniquely In each society. Therefore, criminologists concerned with crime theory are interested in comparing crime trends in different societies. The study of criminology is a very interesting major in the fact that it deals with the human brain yet it also plays a huge role in helping keep the community safe, I think that's what fascinates me the most. When I took the personality test my result was NEFF. In the understanding me port ion of the results It says, People Like me are very outgoing, enthusiastic, and spontaneous. I love meeting new people and probably have a large circle of friends ND acquaintances.Since I am always on the go and seem to have boundless energy, I am usually up for any new experience and especially love surprises! I am very curious, ask a lot of questions, and are fascinated by people or things that are out of the ordinary. Because of my vivid imagination, I have many ideas a day and am great at finding creative ways of solving problems or overcoming obstacles. I love to talk – especially about fun or interesting possibilities. People enjoy my unusual sense of humor and find me fun to be around. I pride myself on my uniqueness. I am also a insensitive and empathetic person who often has accurate Insights about others.My friends know I am devoted and affectionate and that I feel things very deeply, even If I don't always show It. But I may also take correctly personally and find my feelings are easily hurt. When I have a lot of details to remember or projects to manage, I may become overwhelmed or discouraged. In fact, my curiosity often distracts me from the more routine parts of projects and I probably find that staying organized is one of the hardest things for me to do. Making decisions is also a struggle because there re so many interesting options calling to me at once.Whatever career I choose, it has to be something I believe in or I won't be able to stick with it for very long. This is one of the main reasons I choose to study Criminology it is a fast pace very interesting Job that will catch my interest and keep me going. My strengths are Impressing people with my quickness and creativity. Anticipating the â€Å"right† answers people are looking for. Developing rapport easily, and changing gears quickly. Thinking quickly on my feet and articulating my strengths effectively. Networking effectively to create helpful relationships. My weakness' are not following have checked out all of my options.Being too idealistic and setting unrealistic goals. Not being very organized and not using my time well. Exaggerating or not being completely accurate with facts. For a career that would satisfy me it would have to let me work with lots of interesting creative people. Allow me to use my creativity to solve problems. Involve work that is fun, challenging, and always varied. Let me work at my own pace and schedule, with a minimum of rules or supervision. Be consistent with my personal values. Be done in an environment that is friendly, relaxed, and appreciates humor. Rarely requires me to be responsible for lots of details.Use my imagination to create products or services that help people. The median pay is about $74,960 per year and $34. 04 per hour. The entry education level is a master's degree. There does not need to be work experience in a related occupation or on-the-Job training. Number of Jobs in 2012 was 2,600. The Job gro wth is growing by 15% which is faster than average. This is a full time Job during regular business hours. Criminologist typically work in an office. They occasionally may work outside the office to conduct research through interviews or observations or present search results.The best way to get into this Job field is to have an advanced degree, strong statistical and research skills and a background in applied sociology. Criminologist would typically need a sociologist master's degree or Ph. D. There are two types of sociology master's degree programs: traditional programs and applied, clinical, and professional programs. Traditional programs prepare students to enter a Ph. D. Program. Applied, clinical, and professional programs prepare students to enter the professional workplace, teaching them the necessary analytical skills to perform sociological research in a reflections setting.Many students who complete a Ph. D. In sociology become postsecondary teachers. Other Ph. D. Gradu ates often become research sociologists for nonprofits, businesses, and governments. Courses in research methods and statistics are important for both master's and Ph. D. Candidates. Many programs also offer opportunities to gain experience through internships or by preparing reports for clients. Although some graduates with a bachelor's degree find work as sociology research assistants, most find positions in other fields, such as social services, administration, management, or sales and marketing.I plan to start my Journey through the criminology at DVD and then try to get into Sac State or US Davis. I think that Criminology is such an interesting major and topic that it will keep my interest, and it is expanding at a great rate 15% is the projected for the future. The fact that it deals with the human brain yet it also plays a huge role in helping keep the community safe, I think that's what fascinates me the most. I believe I will strive in this Job force and be able to really s ucceed in this Job field. Criminology Criminology in the Future Roseland Cervantes-Barilla, Heather Arthur Dreamer, Andrea Patella, Samaritan Asparagus, and Everett Titus CA 314 August 18, 2014 Paula Rootstock Crime fighting techniques are always evolving; which will help decrease crime rate over time. There are new crime-fighting methodologies developed and improved on every day; biometrics, cybercafà © spare, and DNA collection programs. Criminology has evolved greatly, however policies from the past are still used today; such as the Classical Schools concept.However, there have been many improvements in the policies in the past. Theories are developed and expanded on concerning why individuals commit crimes, such as the social learning theory and social structure theory. Although these methods help reduce crime and possibly detect criminal activity, some theories and crime-fighting methodologies violate civil liberty. Future of Crime Fighting Crime is a major part of our history, present, and our future. People are n ot perfect, and the world is a cruel place for people to live in now days.The future is what we need to look to, and our future is in the hands of ourselves. It is our Job to ensure that we do have a future and that our children have a safe place to live as they grow up as well. It's important for us to take action now, that way in the future hopefully things will be better. It will not be an easy road to go down but it is one we need to go down non-the-less. Nothing is easy in life, and we have to stand up and fight for the things we want; otherwise crime will overrun the streets and spiral out of hand.Crime-fighting Methodologies Although, we need to ensure the safety of the people, the future of crime fighting needs to be mindful of an individual's rights as well. It will take professional work, and expertise to overcome this hard road. The most-important issue when it comes future policies of crime fighting is the safety of the citizens. One of the biggest social issues of the f uture will be the internet. We already have a start to the future with tools like fingerprinting, facial recognition, voice recognition, and iris scans.All these things are crucial aspects to the crime fighting fields. DNA testing is another major way of identification that can't be altered. Through the years, technology has grown and has developed. It has helped ensure public safety in many ways, it also has helped state and local communities better use existing technology. It has improved criminal records and identification systems to keep high-risk individuals from locating weapons or positions of trust. There are many databases used by the criminal Justice system from the combined DNA Index system, biometrics, cybercafà © spare and others.DNA Testing The combined DNA index system is a useful tool in solving crimes. In 1998, it was officially initiated it allowed participating forensic laboratories to compare DNA roofless with the main purpose to match case evidence to other unr elated cases or to other persons that have been already convicted of specific crimes. DNA can be very useful when solving crimes one of two ways. When a suspect is identified, a sample of their DNA can be compared to evidence of the crime scene.In the case where there is no suspect that has been identified, evidence that is left from the crime scene can be analyzed and compared to profiles in the DNA database to help identify the perpetrator. There have been many controversy about obtaining DNA the con in n article by Generated titled â€Å"Retreating Justice†; â€Å"storing DNA taken from unsuspected individuals in a criminal database undermines presumptive innocence and sets a chilling precedent for data collection by the government of its citizens.In addition, it violates the rights of people to be secure and protected from ‘unreasonable searches and seizures' as is guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. † (http://UCLA. Procom. Org/view. Answe rs. PH? Questioned=()00685) Regardless how you look at it the DNA index system when used properly can solve a rime and is very useful for law enforcement. With the ongoing growth of technology, they will find more fast and efficient ways to solve crimes and catch criminals.Biometrics According to the NJ, Biometrics is the science of using one or more physical characteristics or behavioral traits to identify individuals. Biometrics helps law enforcement agencies track individuals down. One known biometric technology is fingerprinting. This method provides accurate information of detecting criminals. Fingerprinting also helps secure borders and prevent identity theft. Cybercafà © Spy;are So many people use the internet and use that as a way of communication, business, etc. This has had a dramatic rise in crimes through this technology.Public and private entities have developed these techniques and others to address cybercafà © which include fraud, child exploitation, viruses, and ma ny more crimes. There are numerous agencies in the U. S including the federal government level the US department of Justice, homeland security, local and state Law Enforcement that have the responsibility to investigate and prosecute cybercafà ©s. Crime fighting techniques are always evolving and improving; the growth helps educe the amount of crime committed each year.There are new crime-fighting methodologies developed and improved on every day; biometrics, cybercafà © spare, and DNA collection programs. Criminology has grown greatly and has been expanded on. However policies from the past are still used today because they still apply to society and the relation to crime. However, there have been many improvements in the policies in the past. Although these methods help reduce crime and possibly detect criminal activity, some theories and crime-fighting methodologies violate civil liberty. Criminology All the actors are using a technique to evaluate the situation, statistics to determine who the possible suspect Is, and unique skills to help find where this person may be. Criminology Is the study of crime Its causes, its history, and Its prevention. Criminologists have many other disciplines, because they also study the psychology of criminals, the social contexts that give rise to crime in specific geographical and demographical locations, and the systems of punishment that serve to confine or perpetuate criminal activity.Crime and punishment function uniquely In each society. Therefore, criminologists concerned with crime theory are interested in comparing crime trends in different societies. The study of criminology is a very interesting major in the fact that it deals with the human brain yet it also plays a huge role in helping keep the community safe, I think that's what fascinates me the most. When I took the personality test my result was NEFF. In the understanding me port ion of the results It says, People Like me are very outgoing, enthusiastic, and spontaneous. I love meeting new people and probably have a large circle of friends ND acquaintances.Since I am always on the go and seem to have boundless energy, I am usually up for any new experience and especially love surprises! I am very curious, ask a lot of questions, and are fascinated by people or things that are out of the ordinary. Because of my vivid imagination, I have many ideas a day and am great at finding creative ways of solving problems or overcoming obstacles. I love to talk – especially about fun or interesting possibilities. People enjoy my unusual sense of humor and find me fun to be around. I pride myself on my uniqueness. I am also a insensitive and empathetic person who often has accurate Insights about others.My friends know I am devoted and affectionate and that I feel things very deeply, even If I don't always show It. But I may also take correctly personally and find my feelings are easily hurt. When I have a lot of details to remember or projects to manage, I may become overwhelmed or discouraged. In fact, my curiosity often distracts me from the more routine parts of projects and I probably find that staying organized is one of the hardest things for me to do. Making decisions is also a struggle because there re so many interesting options calling to me at once.Whatever career I choose, it has to be something I believe in or I won't be able to stick with it for very long. This is one of the main reasons I choose to study Criminology it is a fast pace very interesting Job that will catch my interest and keep me going. My strengths are Impressing people with my quickness and creativity. Anticipating the â€Å"right† answers people are looking for. Developing rapport easily, and changing gears quickly. Thinking quickly on my feet and articulating my strengths effectively. Networking effectively to create helpful relationships. My weakness' are not following have checked out all of my options.Being too idealistic and setting unrealistic goals. Not being very organized and not using my time well. Exaggerating or not being completely accurate with facts. For a career that would satisfy me it would have to let me work with lots of interesting creative people. Allow me to use my creativity to solve problems. Involve work that is fun, challenging, and always varied. Let me work at my own pace and schedule, with a minimum of rules or supervision. Be consistent with my personal values. Be done in an environment that is friendly, relaxed, and appreciates humor. Rarely requires me to be responsible for lots of details.Use my imagination to create products or services that help people. The median pay is about $74,960 per year and $34. 04 per hour. The entry education level is a master's degree. There does not need to be work experience in a related occupation or on-the-Job training. Number of Jobs in 2012 was 2,600. The Job gro wth is growing by 15% which is faster than average. This is a full time Job during regular business hours. Criminologist typically work in an office. They occasionally may work outside the office to conduct research through interviews or observations or present search results.The best way to get into this Job field is to have an advanced degree, strong statistical and research skills and a background in applied sociology. Criminologist would typically need a sociologist master's degree or Ph. D. There are two types of sociology master's degree programs: traditional programs and applied, clinical, and professional programs. Traditional programs prepare students to enter a Ph. D. Program. Applied, clinical, and professional programs prepare students to enter the professional workplace, teaching them the necessary analytical skills to perform sociological research in a reflections setting.Many students who complete a Ph. D. In sociology become postsecondary teachers. Other Ph. D. Gradu ates often become research sociologists for nonprofits, businesses, and governments. Courses in research methods and statistics are important for both master's and Ph. D. Candidates. Many programs also offer opportunities to gain experience through internships or by preparing reports for clients. Although some graduates with a bachelor's degree find work as sociology research assistants, most find positions in other fields, such as social services, administration, management, or sales and marketing.I plan to start my Journey through the criminology at DVD and then try to get into Sac State or US Davis. I think that Criminology is such an interesting major and topic that it will keep my interest, and it is expanding at a great rate 15% is the projected for the future. The fact that it deals with the human brain yet it also plays a huge role in helping keep the community safe, I think that's what fascinates me the most. I believe I will strive in this Job force and be able to really s ucceed in this Job field.

Motivational Case Studies Essay

I believe in the â€Å"Two Men and a Truck† case study, the motivational theory that Mrs. Sheets’ uses is the goal setting theory. Her initial goal was to help support her sons’ part-time jobs. She created a marketing campaign, although she may not have seen it as such, by designing the stick figure drawing that is still being used today in the company. As a single mother, she did not want to turn away the phone calls that continued to be received, even after her sons went away to college and therefore, she purchased an inexpensive truck and hired two workers to maintain the business operations. Mrs. Sheets expanded the company and set out a goal of being the most customer-friendly moving company. To assist with this goal, she arranged trainings for her employees, and franchisee employees, where they learn basic customer service tools and how to be a high-functioning team member. These tools include how to properly answer the phone and to always shake the customer’s hand when the work is completed. She also asks employees to complete a survey card so the organization can use the feedback as coaching opportunities. All of these tools helped Mrs.  Sheets’ company become one of the most successful moving companies in the area. In the Siemens case study, the motivational theory that is described is Management by objectives. Mr. Kleinfield took over a Siemens unit in 1998 and immediately requested a change in work shifts, including working weekends. The employees were shocked by what was being requested but also recognized that due to a competitor, their jobs were in jeopardy from a lack of production. Mr. Kleinfield expressed an interest in the work being performed by being in the factory and asking questions related to the operations. This interest helped win over the employees and with the new schedules, production times were cut from six weeks to one. Although the employees did not know what was going on, Mr. Kleinfield recognized what the ultimate goal of the production facility was and put a plan into action as soon as he took it over to make it a success. By demonstrating this leadership, he ultimately was offered the CEO position, even though he never worked in any facility for very long, especially as a Consultant, but did have experience in every department that was associated with Siemens.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Existentialism and Humanistic Psychology Essay

Angst, in the very nature of its use in Existentialism, is a state of being that is not completely negative in itself as common people might think. In a more positive sense, I believe angst is the full recognition of one’s freedom. Angst is the result of one’s realization that he is free and that nothing will ever hold him back. It becomes negative because once a person gets a deeper understanding of how free he is, he tends to fear that he might not be able to do things right and since nothing is holding him back, there is nothing to blame in case he fails. In short, angst is â€Å"fear of the nothing† (Park, 1999). It is different from normal fear which comes from the environment and has an object and a possible solution. For example, I fear spiders so I stay away from dusty and old places. The object of the fear is ‘spiders’ and the solution is to ‘stay away from dusty and old places’. In angst, the fear comes from within and there is basically neither object nor solution. There is only angst. And that is what makes angst a terrible state. I think it is very difficult to feel this way because it is like asking questions with no answers. And if ever I get into this terrible state, I think will do one thing: convince myself to believe that there is nothing to fear and that I have my family who will accept me no matter what. Meanwhile, the whole concept of Humanistic Psychology (the American version of Existentialism, I’ve read) interests me in a special way. The different theories of Rogers, Maslow, Csikszentmihalyi, among others that I learned from Chapter 13 gave me a step by step understanding into the inquiry of my existence. I can’t conclude though that they all are right but certainly, they provide interesting thoughts worth pondering (especially Rogers’ 19 Propositions). The humanistic theories they present are different from the ones we learned in previous chapters because they focus on the experiences of the human person rather than on things that are inherent or already existing such as biology, genes, or hidden motives. This means that since the theories of Humanists such as Rogers and Maslow focus on continuing experience of the person, they give a more positive approach knowing that these experiences that shape a person can vary depending on how he reacts to events. In a simpler way, while Bem’s theories seem to say â€Å"Your mother has cancer so you will have cancer, too. It’s in the blood† humanists say â€Å"Your mother has cancer. With the right attitude and lifestyle, you can prevent having cancer yourself. † Humanists are a lot friendlier. I agree with these humanists, for the most part at least. I agree with the general thought of a person’s experience shaping his personality. However, there is one thing I personally disagree based on experience. Rogers said that â€Å"this outcome [fully functioning person] could only occur for individuals who had received unconditional positive regard from the important people in their lives† (Funder, 2007). I disagree with this because I know some people who, despite suffering from neglect from the people they love, still feel good about themselves and have great personalities. On the other hand, I give my nod to Maslow when he said â€Å"higher needs such as self-actualization could come to the fore only after more basic needs related to survival and security became satisfied† (Funder, 2007). I personally believe self-fulfillment is a hierarchy and a continuing process. Thoughts on Punishment and Efficacy Theory â€Å"Punishment is a useful technique of operant conditioning if it is applied correctly, which it almost never is† (Funder, 2007). I am especially caught by the last phrase of the quote: it almost never is. I think punishment is something that is very tricky. It is difficult to use in the appropriate way but if you get it right, bingo! It is very effective. What’s wrong with punishment is when one uses it in the wrong way. Self-Efficacy has always been my thing from the start, but I never realized it until I learned about it from our discussion. I have always been a positive thinker even amidst hard times. My working in Intel gives me new challenges every day and because of my belief that I can do all the demands of work, I accomplish them well. I live by the adage â€Å"Believe in yourself because if you don’t, nobody else will†. With this, I get more confidence to push on higher.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Change plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Change plan - Assignment Example However, the facilitys corporate structure has come with various strategies to deal with highlighted challenges affecting the facility. As a result, the merged has emerged as one of the most prominent old care agency in Miami. Employee culture has been supportive of the development of the facility, which has contributed to the achievement of the most vital goals and objectives. The county and Federal governments have also been supportive through economic, social, and cultural contributions to the agency. Additionally, charity organizations have also played a major role in the financial maintenance of the facility. Consequently, the facility has been capable of holding more than a thousand old individuals in the society. Moreover, the community nursing has also been emphasized in the region whereby nurses can directly attend to the old in various communities. The organizational change is based on the Theory of change that is based on the achievements of the long-term goals of the facility (Cunliffe, 2008). The theory operates on the principles that a non-profit organization has an obligation to achieve the goals and objectives of an organization in both the short and long-term periods (Cunliffe, 2008). As a result, the long-term goals have been a motivational factor for a better future of the organization and society. Importantly, the society has been a major beneficiary of the facilitys organizational change. The county government has come up with a financing strategy that has helped reduce the cost of facilitys operational activities. Importantly, the facility has also been involved in assisting the non-well up towns in the society. As a result, the changes have been noted and publicized by international welfare organizational facilities that deal with taking care of the old. The changes that have occurred in the society have made a major improvement in the society. The facility has gathered information based on experiences of other old caring