Monday, September 9, 2019

Is a woman's earning potential equal to that of a man Research Paper

Is a woman's earning potential equal to that of a man - Research Paper Example Variations in levels of income have been an inspiration for much empirical research and debate ever since the mid nineteenth century. In addition, statistics and figures for analyzing variations in income levels have since increased in availability. Many factors affect the earnings that individuals make, including level of education, gender, race, social backgrounds, and occupational differences. In studies to disentangle discrepancies in annual incomes between men and women, a significant portion of the difference remains unexplainable and highly controversial. Many researchers attribute the unexplained variation to gender discrimination in the workplace, although numerous research efforts try to explicate the particular elements that contribute to the unexplained variation. This report focuses on determining whether women and men have any significant differences in their annual incomes for determinate years of education. Introduction The advances feminist movements have made a sign ificant contribution to the income parity for men and women over the last few decades. The income gap for women and men started to decrease or significantly in the 70s. For 1980 to 1990, income disparity stood at 60.2% and 71.6%, a 3.4% increase.From 1990 to 2000, the change was from 71.6% and 73.7%, a change of 2.1%. From 2000 to 2010, the ratio of women to men’s income rose from 73.7% to 77%, a 3.3% upsurge.However, significant differences still abound in the income levels between men and women, especially for high paying jobs. ... Up to bachelors level, the years of education are more determinable, but for masters and PhD degree programs. According to a research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, analyzing the income anomalies between women and men, the comparisons were against level of education or years of learning. Income levels and years of learning for women (US Census Bureau, 1) Educational Level Years of Education Women’s Income High School 12 21,117 Some College 14 25,185 Bachelor's 16 36,532 Masters 18 45,730 Doctorate 20 54,666 Income levels and years of education for men (US Census Bureau, 1) Educational Level Years of Education Men’s Income High School 12 32,085 Some College 14 39,150 Bachelor's 16 52,265 Masters 18 67,123 Doctorate 20 78,324 A comparison in income levels for men and women (US Census Bureau, 14) Educational Level Years of Education Men’s Income Women’s Income Average Income Women as a % of Men's 1 High School 12 32,085 21,117 26,601 65.8% 2 Some College 14 39,150 25,185 32,168 64.3% 3 Bachelor's 16 52,265 36,532 44,399 69.9% 4 Masters 18 67,123 45,730 56,427 68.1% 5 Doctorate 20 78,324 54,666 66,495 69.8% Background on the number of years of education and annual income The number of years of learning a person has considerably affects a person’s annual income level. As the number of years of education increases, the income also increases, although inherent differences still exist within these differences. For instance, persons with a bachelor’s degree tend to earn almost double the incomes of high school graduates. According to a 2005 study on income and gender by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2), women of similar educational levels with men earned significantly less in comparison to their male

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